Along with her psychology qualifications Melissa has trained extensively in many areas of therapy throughout her career, enabling her to utilise a wide range of interventions to assist each clients individual needs. These include Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy; Narrative Therapy; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Gestalt Therapy; Medical Hypnotherapy; Individual Dialectical Behavioural Therapy; Attachment Theory and Trauma Therapy.

This is a list of some of the most prominent professionals Melissa has trained with, many of whom are world leaders in their field:

Dr Bessel Van DeKolk (USA) Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine
Trauma and the Body: Treating Complex Trauma
Neurobiology of Attachment and Trauma

Dr Janina Fisher (USA)  Clinical Psychologist/ International Trainer
Intensive Training in Advanced Treatment of Complex Developmental Trauma
Treating Dysfunctional Attachment/ Psycho-neurobiology of Attachment and Trauma
Sensori-motor Psychotherapy (Trauma and the Body)

Dr Dan Siegal (USA) Clinical Professor of Psychiatry UCLA School of Medicine
Mindfulness and the Treatment of Complex Trauma

Dr John Briere (USA) Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology Keek School of Medicine, University of South California
Mindful Treatment of Trauma and Complex Post Traumatic Stress

Dr Karl Brisch (Germany) Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist/ Psychotherapist - Head of Department of Pediatric Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy - Dr Von Hauners Children Hospital Munich Germany
Treating Attachment Disorders in Children and Adults

Dr Rick Hanson (USA) Psychologist - Mindfulness; Neuro-psychology and Buddhism

Dr Peter Levine (USA) Medical Biophysics/ Psychology - Treating Complex Trauma

Dr Carolyn Costin (USA) Clinical Psychologist - Treating Eating Disorders

Dr Alan Fahey (Aust) - College of Medical Hypnosis - Medical Practitioner with expertise in Psychiatry; Psychological Medicine Hypnotherapy
Intensive Training Medical Hypnotherapy for Psychotherapists

 Dr Leah Giarrantano (Aust) Clinical Psychologist - Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

 Dr Russ Haarrisr (Aust) GP- Advanced Training - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

 Dr Rick Kausman (Aust) GP - Treating Eating Disorders

 Dr Rishi Vivekananda (Aust) Psychiatrist - Yoga for Anxiety - Yoga for Treatment of PTSD (Trauma)

 Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnam) Zen Buddhist Monk - Attendance at Residential Training retreats in Germany and USA
Authentic training in Mindfulness and Buddhist Psychology

Sister Chang Kong (Vietnam) Zen Buddhist Nun - Attendance at Residential Training retreats in Germany and USA
Authentic training in Mindfulness and Buddhist Psychology

Sogyal Rinpoche (Tibet) Buddhist Meditation / Philosophy Attendance at Residential Training retreat in Aust.

Louisa Sears (Aust) Senior Yoga Teacher - Intensive 9 months Yoga Teacher Training (1200 hours) Yoga; Philosophy and Teaching Skills

Rose Baudin (USA) Senior Yoga/ Meditation and Philosophy Teacher - Yoga; Meditation; Philosophy and Ayurveda

Clive Sheridan (UK) Senior Yoga/ Philosophy Teacher - Attendance at Residential Training Retreat in Aust - Yoga; Meditation; Prananyama; Philosophy

Glenn Cerosoli (Aust) Senior Yoga Teacher - Yoga and Philosophy

Simon Borg-Olivier - (Aust) Senior Yoga Teacher - Yoga and Anatomy/ Physiology

Jean Campbell - (Aust) Senior Yoga Teacher - Yoga and Anatomy/ Physiology

Dr Swami Shankardev - (Aust)- GP / Senior Yoga Teacher - Yoga Psychology

John Barter (Aust) Buddhist Psychologist / Former Buddhist Monk - Meditation; Mindfulness and Buddhist Psychology

Brandon Bays - (USA) Residential Intensive Training Retreat in Aust - The Journey Work/ Psychotherapy